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Blind Childrens Center 4120 Marathon Street Los Angeles, CA 90029-3584 Phone: (323) 664-2153 (http://www.blindchildrenscenter.org/) 

 Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) Vision Center - ROP program Lion David Phung CHLA Coordinator P O Box 1111 Arcadia, Ca 91077-1111 Tel: 626 848-6800 email: [email protected] Click on the link below to learn how you could help prevent blindness in premature babies in the U.S. and around the world: (http://support.chla.org/pages/lionsclubpreventsblindness4premiebabies)

 City of Hope Medical Center 1500 E. Duarte Road Duarte, CA 91010 Visit the "Lions Wall" on Lions Tribute Day in April (http://www.cityofhope.org/)

Fourth District Student Speakers Foundation, Inc. District Trustee Steve Morgan 729 North Inyo Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555-3374 Phone (760) 375.2715 Email([email protected]) ([email protected]) See this http://studentspeaker.md4lions.org/ or this http://ssf.md4lions.org/ for more information.

Guide Dogs of America 13445 Glenoaks Boulevard Sylmar CA 91342 818.362.5834 Email ([email protected])

Guide Dogs of the Desert P.O. Box 1692 Palm Springs, CA 92263 Phone: (760) 329-6257 Fax: (760) 329-2127 Email ([email protected])`1                      

The Hearing Foundation The Ear of the Lion Foundation, Inc. 1030 Gettysburg Ave. #100-D Clovis, CA 93612 Clovis office: (559) 291-4662 Clovis office: (800) 327-8077 Fax: (559) 291-4666 Email ([email protected])

Lions Float, Inc 129 Aquajes Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Email([email protected])

Lions Hope Foundation Inc. 2026 N. Riverside Ave. Suite C 143 Rialto, CA 92376 Phone (909) 874-1258 Fax (909) 874-1258 Email ([email protected])

Lions In Sight of California and Nevada 1838 Sunnyvale Ave Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Phone: 707-265-2944 Warehouse Address - mail glasses to: 1404 Lemon Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 Warehouse Phone:707-648-2306 Email ([email protected])

 Lions Project for Companions for Independence LPCCI National Office PO Box 3896 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Street Address: 2965 Dutton Avenue Phone: (877) 865-7224 Email ([email protected])

 LIONS Sight and Hearing Foundation of Southern California LSHFSC 5150 East Pacific Coast Highway Suite 605 Long Beach, Ca 90804 Phone 800.647.6638 Fax 888.958.7554 http://www.lshfsc.org/lshfsc/index.shtml

 LIONS CAMP at Teresita Pines P.O. Box 98 Wrightwood, CA 92397 Phone: (800) 585-3245 Fax: (760)249-1063 Email ([email protected])

 Lions Youth Exchange Program This program is founded upon the first object of Lionism: To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the people of the world. (http://ye.md4lions.org/index.html)

 L.O.V.E. Program PDG Don Chinery 11422 Haskel Avenue, Granada Hills Ca 91344. Phone: (818) 366-5275 Fax: (818) 366-3985 E-mail: [email protected]

 LIONS Eye Care Clinic @ MEND Coordinator: Lion Marva Murphy Email:([email protected]) The Lions Eye Care Clinic is a partnership between District Lions and Meet Every Need with Dignity (MEND), focusing on vision-related needs. http://mendpoverty.org/our-programs/)  Referral form on documents page

 Pull Tabs Elizabeth Dever, MBA House Director Pasadena Ronald McDonald House 763 South Pasadena Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 Direct: 626-204-0400 Main: 626-585-1588 Fax: 626-585-1688 Email:([email protected])Website: www.pasadenarmh.org