Blind Childrens
Center 4120
Marathon Street Los Angeles, CA 90029-3584 Phone: (323) 664-2153 (
Children's Hospital
Los Angeles (CHLA) Vision
Center - ROP program Lion David Phung CHLA Coordinator P O Box 1111
Arcadia, Ca 91077-1111 Tel: 626 848-6800 email: [email protected] Click on
the link below to learn how you could help prevent blindness in premature
babies in the U.S. and around the world: (
City of Hope
Medical Center 1500
E. Duarte Road Duarte, CA 91010 Visit the "Lions Wall" on Lions
Tribute Day in April ( Fourth District
Student Speakers Foundation, Inc. District Trustee Steve Morgan 729
North Inyo Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555-3374 Phone (760) 375.2715 Email([email protected])
([email protected]) See this or
this for more information.
Guide Dogs of
America 13445
Glenoaks Boulevard Sylmar CA 91342 818.362.5834 Email ([email protected])
Guide Dogs of the
Desert P.O.
Box 1692 Palm Springs, CA 92263 Phone: (760) 329-6257 Fax: (760) 329-2127
Email ([email protected])`1 The Hearing Foundation The Ear of the
Lion Foundation, Inc. 1030 Gettysburg Ave. #100-D Clovis, CA 93612 Clovis
office: (559) 291-4662 Clovis office: (800) 327-8077 Fax: (559) 291-4666
Email ([email protected])
Lions Float, Inc 129 Aquajes
Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Email([email protected])
Lions Hope Foundation Inc. 2026
N. Riverside Ave. Suite C 143 Rialto, CA 92376 Phone (909) 874-1258 Fax (909)
874-1258 Email ([email protected])
Lions In Sight of California and
Nevada 1838 Sunnyvale Ave Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Phone: 707-265-2944
Warehouse Address - mail glasses to: 1404 Lemon Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
Warehouse Phone:707-648-2306 Email ([email protected])
Lions Project for
Companions for Independence LPCCI National Office PO Box 3896 Santa Rosa, CA
95402 Street Address: 2965 Dutton Avenue Phone: (877) 865-7224 Email ([email protected])
LIONS Sight and
Hearing Foundation of Southern California LSHFSC 5150 East Pacific
Coast Highway Suite 605 Long Beach, Ca 90804 Phone 800.647.6638 Fax
Teresita Pines P.O.
Box 98 Wrightwood, CA 92397 Phone: (800) 585-3245 Fax: (760)249-1063 Email ([email protected])
Lions Youth
Exchange Program This
program is founded upon the first object of Lionism: To create and foster a
spirit of understanding among the people of the world. (
L.O.V.E. Program PDG Don Chinery
11422 Haskel Avenue, Granada Hills Ca 91344. Phone: (818) 366-5275 Fax: (818)
366-3985 E-mail: [email protected]
LIONS Eye Care
Clinic @ MEND Coordinator:
Lion Marva Murphy Email:([email protected]) The Lions Eye Care
Clinic is a partnership between District Lions and Meet Every Need with
Dignity (MEND), focusing on vision-related needs.
Referral form on documents page
Pull Tabs Elizabeth
Dever, MBA House Director Pasadena Ronald McDonald House 763 South Pasadena
Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 Direct: 626-204-0400 Main: 626-585-1588 Fax:
626-585-1688 Email:([email protected])Website: